April 13, 2006

Cheap CDs

Made a run to Best Buy at lunch today with the intention of picking up .Moneen.'s new album The Red Tree, since it was on sale for $5.99. Ended up walking out of the store with 4 CDs, all of them under $10.

.Moneen. - The Red Tree
I've heard a few of the songs off .Moneen.'s older album and I liked them, so at $6 I had to pick this up. Listened to it a couple times so far, and I enjoy it. This Is All Bigger Than Me is my initial favorite song. Oh, and you've got to love their outrageously long song titles.

Yellowcard - One for the Kids (rerelease)
They had this on the end of one of their displays for $9.99 (and incorrectly advertised as their "debut album"). I figured I should actually own this since it is my favorite YC album, plus the rerelease has Rough Draft on it. There's also a couple live videos on the Enhanced CD portion. Haven't checked them out yet though.

Foo Fighters - Five Songs and a Cover
This was in the CD display at the very front of the store and only $2.99, now that's just un-resistible. Opens with a live version of Best of You and contains demo versions of DOA and World. The cover is Cream's I Feel Free.

Saves the Day - Sound the Alarm
Knew Mike picked this up the other day when he got the .Moneen. album. I've never really gotten into Saves the Day, but this album has been getting good reviews, so for $9 I figured it was worth checking out. I've listened to the album a couple times already and it's pretty good. I think it'll keep growing on me. Initial favorite song is the opening song, Head for the Hills. Also as I pick up more and more of the lyrics, I think the whole album is a story...which I'm always a fan of.

Posted by Jason at April 13, 2006 01:19 AM